Rewardify’s Real-cash Sweepstakes with Dan Brosseau | Appvertiser Chat #12

Welcome back to another session of Appvertiser Chat, your on app marketing trends and strategies, the User Acquisition Director at Rewardify Games.

Today, we have Dan Brosseau User Acquisition Director at  Rewardify Games  joining us. With over a decade of experience in user acquisition, Dan spearheads Rewardify’s innovative approach to user engagement and retention, driving their success in the competitive mobile gaming industry.

Let’s peel back the layers and explore what lies ahead in this insightful conversation!

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🎮 Q: Hey everyone, today we’re live from the Games Forum in Seattle, and I’m thrilled to be here with Dan. Dan, could you please introduce yourself?
A: Hi everyone, I’m Dan, and I serve as the User Acquisition Director at Rewardify Games, specializing in real cash sweepstakes apps.
🎲 Q: Thanks, Dan. Can you share a bit about your background and what you were doing before joining Rewardify?
A: Certainly. I’ve been in User Acquisition for over a decade, starting my journey at BigFish Games where I helped establish their UA team. After working on titles like BigFish Casino and Gummy Drop, I transitioned to startup mobile gaming developers, leveraging my expertise in social casino gaming to delve into real cash gaming. For the past three years, I’ve been with Rewardify Games, driving our UA strategies.
🎰 Q: Fascinating journey, Dan. Now, what sets Rewardify apart from other casino apps in the market?
A: Rewardify operates within the social casino genre but specializes in real cash gaming, offering a hybrid model that integrates heavy in-app ads as our primary monetization strategy. This unique approach distinguishes us from traditional social casinos, providing players with the allure of real cash prizes while engaging with our apps.
📊 Q: Moving into metrics, what are the key performance indicators (KPIs) you focus on for your category and your apps specifically?
A: Given our reliance on in-app ads, ROI is a primary KPI for us. Additionally, retention is crucial, especially since we promise players the chance to win real cash prizes through sweepstakes, lotto, competitions, and tournaments. We aim to engage users early on and drive them through the funnel to increase the likelihood of cash rewards.
🎯 Q: Are retargeting efforts a part of your UA strategy?
A: Yes, we utilize retargeting, although there are restrictions on major platforms like Facebook and Google due to the nature of real cash gaming. However, we leverage retargeting on other networks that allow for it, ensuring that we stay engaged with users who have shown interest in our apps.
🚀 Q: Speaking of UA channels, which ones have proven successful for Rewardify, and are there any new channels you’re exploring?
A: Our primary channels include SDK video networks like Applovin, Iron Source, and Unity, along with listicle content sites and incentivized partners. While major platforms like Facebook and Google present challenges, we’re always exploring new opportunities. Recently, we secured a spot in TikTok’s Beta program, which holds immense potential for us in reaching new audiences.
🎥 Q: Let’s talk about creatives. What messaging or value propositions have been effective for Rewardify, and what trends do you foresee in creative strategies?
A: Authenticity is key for us, especially when promoting real cash prizes. We ensure that our messaging reflects realistic prize amounts, avoiding exaggerated claims. Players resonate with the promise of cash rewards, and we leverage visuals of money and exciting gameplay to capture their attention. Looking ahead, we’re embracing AI tools and platforms like TikTok to enhance our creatives and reach broader audiences.
💡 Q: As the head of UA, what recommendations do you have for scaling UA professionals, and what mindset is essential for success in the industry?
A: Communication is paramount, both within teams and across departments. UA professionals should stay informed about industry updates and trends, leveraging resources like Slack communities and staying engaged on platforms like Twitter and LinkedIn. Additionally, having a multidisciplinary skill set that encompasses UA, product, and creative elements is invaluable for career growth in the ever-evolving mobile gaming landscape.
🔗 Q: Absolutely. Staying connected and adaptable is key. Thank you so much, Dan, for sharing your insights today. It’s been incredibly valuable.
A: My pleasure. Thanks for having me, and thanks to everyone for tuning in. Until next time!


In conclusion, Dan Brosseau’s expertise sheds light on the of user acquisition in the mobile gaming industry, offering valuable insights for professionals.
Ready to level up your user acquisition game? Connect with our team today for personalized insights, real-time optimizations, and expert guidance throughout your campaign journey. Let’s maximize your app’s potential together! Give us a call.