Begüm Dilek from Lessmore | Appvertiser Chats #3

Today chatting with Begüm Dilek, user acquisition manager at Lessmore growing Eatventure, we dive into the world of mobile UA and her personal experience, tips and recommendations in the field.


Q: Introduce yourself freely 

A: I’ve been doing UA for over 5 years now. I started with influencer marketing in a Turkish company. Then, I noticed I liked working with numbers and predictability more than influencer marketing. So, I shifted to performance and relocated to Helsinki to work with a Finnish company to keep venturing!


Q: If you had to describe yourself with emojis or memes, which would you choose?

A: The dog with the fire that says “I am doing okay.” That’s me


Q: A project that makes you excited?

A: Playing tennis, and one day I am going to have a bakery somewhere sunny after Finland, probably.


Q: If you could have dinner and meet any person of your choice, whoever you want, who would they be?

A: Gaspar Noe, cinematographer, interesting thinker. Federer, favorite tennis player (sadly he’s too old to marry…).


Q: For people in a similar path, what’s your advice to follow that can work for them?

A: I recommend it to anyone that’s bold enough. It is quite good but also hard. Sometimes you don’t have icebreakers, but if you want to do it, do it without thinking too much.


Q: Recommendation on the educational side?

A: I mostly learned by working. When I first started in influencer marketing, I began executing, reading blogs, and learning from my managers. Reading gets you to a certain point, but real-life learning makes you aware of what you are doing until you make a difference.

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Q: Media/companies you follow to stay up to date?

two & a half gamers , Eve to stay up to date, Singular, Moloco, Uplovin, and more!


Q: Now, how many channels are you running? We know it’s a crazy number.

A: It’s gone down a bit, now it’s 5, but a short time ago, it was 11 channels at the same time.


Q: There’s a lot of attention on creatives now. What’s your approach? Do you manage everything in-house?

A: Yes, we have a team for that. They have a dedicated budget, set up their own campaigns, test as they want, and this is good since they can iterate really quickly. With this, I would recommend trusting your creative artists and limiting their creativity as little as you can.


Q: How’s the company right now, Lessmore?

A: We are 15 people in total, in 2 different teams regarding game categories. We only have one person from the data team; he is very valuable for us, and we have fantastic account managers as well.


Q: Any hack you’d like to share?

A: Having a combined style dashboard that your team really has with your prioritization of the test is really helping me in the daily operations. Other than that, be transparent with your account managers all the time, share your goals and expectations so they can help you with that.


Q: KPIs?

A: Monthly meetings where we go through d1 d7 d30 ROAS to see if we detect any negativity. Here’s where I can see what’s going wrong, if anything, with each network. Then we do a high-level analysis going through net profits, seeing where it should be. We could say it’s a “show me the money” moment.


Q: Let’s say your manager cuts your budget 50%, which are your essential channels?

A: It depends on audiences; sometimes for sure with TikTok, but also Google, some of the ad networks, DSPs are nice to have if you can make it work; it’s more stable.


Q: On TikTok, which campaign is driving more ROAS for you?

A: Currently, app event optimization campaigns, in-app value ROAS campaigns; we are going hard on UGC creatives with TTCC; we’ve been live with it and got us to a really good point.


Q: For the creators, how do you manage it?

A: We are giving all the assets to them and telling them what they should show, and they are doing it, so we push it a bit but not too much so they don’t lose the creativity.


Q: Any tools making your life easier?

A: For project management: Notion; on competitor analysis: App Agent and Singular’s dashboard with other KPIs we want to see. I am not a super automated person, I have to admit.


Q: Something to share with UA managers or mobile marketers?

A: I am a plant person 🙂 for my work, but at the same time, I like to go with the wind, so I’d say: search, be interested, read what people are doing, and stay up to date!


Q: Slack channels?

A: two & a half gamers, Mobile Dev Memo, Puzzle Game Society.


Q: Thanks for sharing your insights, Begüm! It’s been a blast chatting with you.

A: Likewise! Thanks for having me! 🚀👍