User Acquisition Triumph | Android | Entertainment
TikTok partnered with Appvertiser to elevate their User Acquisition (UA) strategies in the US through Meta, achieving substantial growth and performance improvements.

285% Growth in Monthly Spend

117% QoQ Campaign Scale Increase

30% MoM Average Campaign Growth


TikTok faced the challenge of constantly finding innovative ways to decrease the Cost Per Install (CPI) while avoiding overlaps with simultaneous campaigns run by TikTok's internal team and other agencies. The goal was to drive scale while meeting stringent CPI targets through continuous optimization and creative strategy.


Appvertiser adopted a multi-faceted approach to achieve TikTok's UA goals:

1. Aggressive Creative Testing: We conducted extensive testing of various creative categories, including Makeup, Skincare, DIY, Travel, Relationships, Parenting, Fun, and Seasonal themes.

2. Audience Testing: We segmented audiences based on interest targeting and age groups, testing different placements to match the creatives with the final user profile.

3. Multiple Campaigns and Ad Accounts: Utilizing multiple campaigns and ad accounts allowed for diverse and broad-reaching strategies. Key creative tags that performed well included Fun, Fun + Relationships, and Seasonal themes. This meticulous approach resulted in Appvertiser creatives having a 160% higher lifespan and 2x higher CTRs compared to others.

Progression of Spend MoM

Cost vs AF Installs

No Data Found

M. Spend ($50k to $195k)
+ 0 %
QoQ Campaign Scale
+ 0 %
MoM Campaign Growth
+ 0 %


Discover how Appvertiser can transform your UA strategies and drive substantial growth. Contact us today to schedule a strategy session.