Pocket FM

Achieving 5x Increase in Organic Impressions by Duplicating Their Total Ranking Keywords

Their Story

Pocket FM, a leading audiobook and podcast streaming platform, approached us for assistance with their User Acquisition efforts on the App Store.

As an emerging player in the industry, they aimed to enhance their app’s visibility and acquire a larger user base.

Our team of growth marketing experts took on the challenge to devise and implement effective strategies to drive organic growth and improve their App Store Optimization (ASO) and Apple Search Ads (ASA) performance.

The Challenge

Pocket FM faced the challenge of limited organic impressions, low keyword rankings, and inadequate visibility within the app stores. They sought to improve their ASO and ASA strategies to increase their app’s discoverability, attract quality users, and ultimately drive organic growth.

The Solution

To tackle Pocket FM’s growth challenges, we adopted a comprehensive approach encompassing ASO and ASA strategies.

a. ASO Optimization:

We conducted a thorough ASO analysis at three levels:

  • Direct competitors
  • Biggest players on their app category (entertainment)
  • Apps with highest visibility score on the entertainment ranks

We conducted a thorough ASO analysis, focusing on keyword-level optimization and preview assets optimization. By identifying relevant and high-volume keywords in the audiobook and podcast niche and based on our findings, we strategically optimized the app’s metadata, including the app title, subtitle, and keyword field.

 Additionally, we revamped the preview assets such as screenshots and app icon to enhance visual appeal and communicate the app’s unique features and benefits effectively. Additionally, we revamped the preview assets such as screenshots and app icon to enhance visual appeal and communicate the app’s unique features and benefits effectively.

b. ASA Campaigns:
We implemented two distinct strategies tailored to Pocket FM’s specific requirements. The first strategy involved running four traditional campaigns: brand, competitor, generic, and discovery. These campaigns targeted relevant user segments and leveraged targeted ad creatives to drive app downloads.

The second strategy involved using Custom Product Page (CPP) optimization. 

Given that Pocket FM offered a diverse range of features including audiobooks, podcasts, and novel series, we created separate screenshots highlighting each of these features. This approach aimed to provide a more personalized and engaging user experience, resulting in improved conversion rates and higher app visibility.

The Results

Through our growth marketing initiatives, Pocket FM achieved remarkable results:

a. Organic Impressions:
We successfully increased Pocket FM’s daily organic impressions from 2,000 to 10,000 (x5). This significant boost in visibility played a crucial role in driving user acquisition and expanding their reach.

b. Keyword Rankings:
Pocket FM witnessed substantial growth in their app’s keyword rankings. The total number of ranking keywords surged from 1,476 to approximately 3,000 (x2). The app’s top-ranking keywords (position 1) increased from 13 to 38 (x3), while keywords in positions 2-3 remained consistent at 42. Furthermore, Pocket FM experienced improvement in keywords ranking within positions 4-10, growing from 103 to 137.

c. ASA Performance:
While the primary focus was on organic growth and ASO, we implemented ASA campaigns to further enhance Pocket FM’s presence. Despite the client’s preference for minimum presence and limited testing, we were able to provide them with a modest but effective ASA presence that complemented their overall growth marketing strategy.