How to Craft Awesome App Store Descriptions



When you and your team craft your marketing practices for your app(s) on the app store, all sorts of optimization methods must be considered. You need to commit energy towards market research, title & keyword optimization, and icon development (just to name a few!) to best present yourself on any app vendor platform. There is a lot you have to keep in mind when you present your app to your target demographics, so much, in fact, it is easy to forget one of the most vital parts of your app’s presence on the app store: the descriptions


We all want to make good first impressions, not just in life but for our products! An app description is the first written chance you and your team have to do that for anyone glancing at your app page on the app store! 


App store descriptions are unlike the product descriptions you might find on the back of a cereal box or toothpaste, as you only have 10-14 seconds on average to get your point across. You must be particular and concise when deciding how to represent your app when you have so little time to get your message across.



With all this in mind, you need to develop a sense of what makes a stronger app description so they can meet your team’s expectations when representing your app(s). Luckily, we have compiled a collection of tips, tricks, and explanations to help you and your team craft an awesome app store description for your app(s)!


6 Steps to App Description Success 

No matter what function or niche your team’s app fulfills, it will need a good description that outlines what you want your prospect app user base to take away from the app store page on first viewing.


At the same time, You and your team need to highlight what your app can do for them but keep the information concise and easy to digest from one-time browsing. 


So when writing your app description, keep the above in mind as we outline some qualities that will go into crafting your superb app description(s) for your app(s)!


Step 1: Save the Best for First!

The first sentence is where you want to grab your prospective users.


Each app store (Apple, Android, Google, etc.) has its own set of character limits before your app description gets hidden for a more detailed reading.


Your first sentence needs to be optimized to grab a viewer and feature the strongest and most relevant keywords for your app’s market. Doing so makes it a surefire way to keep their attention no matter the platform they are looking at it on. 


Once your first sentence is polished, keep the next paragraph or so of text in line with that sentence: an attention grabber that invites curiosity for your app that leaves the reader wanting more! 


Step 2: Segment and Outline 

Being concise for your app description is vital, as all phone application stores have a max character limit (Ex: Android limit of 4000 characters) you need to be mindful of. 


After your first paragraph, you should break down your app description into digestible bites no longer than a paragraph (preferably) that are easy to read and easier to catch the reader’s eye.   


These broken-down segments should focus on the hallmarks of your app: what you want to sell to your prospective users who have just started browsing.


How to approach this can vary:


Android: You should keep the material with relevant keywords and jargon for the long description, as it factors into the ASO and will offer more space for the short description to flourish with more evocative descriptions, and allow for those more willing to do a deep dive when looking at the app in the app store to get a more in-depth feel as desired. 


Apple: The long description is not a factor in ASO, so keep relevant keyword density towards the front, leaving the long description for any sort of material you feel is best for an in-depth look at the app that is not beholden to keyword optimization.


Step 3: Build Personal Investment

You have to sell the prospective user what exactly your app can do for them. How you approach this is subjective, but a good method is to frame your app as a solution to problems the user has to face. Offer everyday problems, inconveniences, etc., and describe how your app solves those problems. 


Imparting to the prospective user that your app is something you and your team are committed to making as comfortable and well cared for as possible is great to build their investment. Make them feel like they are getting the best possible experience they can when they decide to purchase your app! 


Step 4: Augment Via Credible Statements

Endorsements (reviewers, big names, etc.) and statistics that cast your app in a better light (userbase, activity, success, etc.) are a great way to build interest from the app description. Your description can only be helped by featuring these!

Too much of a good thing applies to your quotations and statistics, as too many can turn away browsers and eat up your character limit. Users will often be more interested in what the app does and not what other people say about it. Only utilize the most significant quotations and stats that have the strongest credibility and can be served towards your app description. 


Step 5: Adapt to the Store


An app store, be it iPhone, Android, or Google, will have a different culture of users, and ways that their storefronts are presented to them. One strong app store description is good, but a few that are adapted to fit the store they are being featured in is better!   


Every phone application store has its dos and don’ts, both from terms of service and an ASO perspective, so do some research on whatever application stores you plan to have your app featured in and make sure everything is looking perfect, better safe than sorry!      


Step 6: Listen and Improve! 

Crafting awesome app descriptions is not a one-and-done process, you and your team should always be looking for ways to refine your description further and further.   


Read comments, take time to look at constructive reviews and comments, and, best of all, seek out App Store Optimization companies like Appvertiser to give you outside perspectives to improve your app store description! 


Where do you go from here?

After reading this guide, it is our hope you have a better understanding of what exactly goes into formulating an awesome app store description for your app(s). 


 If you have further questions on how to optimize your app for the app store and beyond, take a look at our other incredible guides and blogs here at Appvertiser so we can help build you a stronger foundation for all your app marketing needs!